Off Route Visiting Relatives- Dodge City to Colorado Springs 6/22-6/23

Timelines do matter and are essential on a journey such as this one. Early on it was easy to do less miles, and enjoyed more rest days. In addition, the hills in western Virginia and Kentucky made it slow going. The problem is, those fewer miles and extra days gradually catch up over 7 weeks and before one knows it one is 8 to 9 days behind schedule.

A hard look revealed we are on day 49 and are not half way (Pueblo is considered half way). We do have a deadline to be picked up in Oregon and I need to get back to work so we decided to catch up by accepting a ride from Dodge City to Colorado Springs and fit in a planned visit with Lisa’s in-laws. After our visit we will be dropped back on the trail east of Pueblo. We estimate we will save 4-5 days which will put a dent in our delayed schedule.
It was a tough decision to sheer miles off Kansas but one thing is certain, on a trip like this, flexibility is key. Rigidity only breeds resentment and discontent, so I have come to terms with catching up.

Perhaps that is the lesson from the Hawk and the Owl whose feathers I picked up yesterday.

“ The hawk symbol is believed to represent a bringer of messages and warnings of change. When you feel the presence of the hawk totem, avoid distractions and focus on the task at hand. At the same time, hawks can soar and fly high in the sky. This animal has the power to provide support in gaining a higher level perspective on any issue or project you undertake. When the hawk appears in your life, it’s perhaps time to be less distracted by the details and focus on the higher perspective. Relying on the hawk power, you can see what’s ahead clearly and defy any obstacles that may be on your way”.

“The owl guides you to see beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps see what’s kept hidden. It also symbolizes the ability to cut through illusions and see the real meaning of someone’s action or state of mind. When the owl is one of your power animals, you have a strong intuition and can access information and wisdom that’s usually hidden to most. The spirit of this animal encourages you to look beyond deceiving appearances into the true reality of a situation or a person’s motives. The owl is a guide for discernment and making decision based solid foundations. Call on the owl totem when you have to assess a situation or are going through confusing times.”

Before our ride to Colorado Springs arrived we had time to ride through Dodge City. It was a bit of a “tourist trap”, and one had to really hunt for anything that actually connected to the Old West.



Long horn steer sculpture


We were picked up by Nancy and Aimee around 1pm and had a 5 hour drive to Colorado Springs, north of Pueblo. We passed another touring cyclist and felt his pain with the growing side wind. Later we experienced a very strong thunderstorm, from the radar map we were in “yellow”.

Colorado Springs is a very pretty area with Pike’s Peak to the west. We are enjoying Nancy, T.J, and Amiee’s hospitality, and get a kick out of Amiee and T.J’s 3 yr old son Oliver.


In addition, our legs and sit-bones are enjoying the rest. Tomorrow we will go into town for an REI “fix”. For those of you who aren’t familiar, REI carries everything for the outdoor enthusiast.

I slept in until 7am, I tried to sleep longer but it wouldn’t take, my internal alarm clock seems to be stuck on the early morning hours. Nancy fed us a delicious breakfast and off we went to REI. I behaved myself and got out of there with a new pair of cycling socks, as I am wearing holes in my other ones, and picked up some sports gel (goo). We spent the rest of the day relaxing, eating, and enjoying an “adult beverage”.

storm REI2014-06-23 12.56.24

Storm brewing near Pike’s Peak in REI parking lot

Tomorrow, we have an exciting day. We will be riding to the Primrose Retirement Community in Pueblo meeting residents, giving a talk about the importance of exercise, at any age, and telling tales from our trip.
…I’ll keep you posted.

Additional information about Dodge City:




One thought on “Off Route Visiting Relatives- Dodge City to Colorado Springs 6/22-6/23

  1. Good for you to jump ahead. “Discretion is the better part of valor” I always say and my aunt Betty ‘s favorite word is “Flexibility!!!” I’m so proud of you ladies and I am glad you got a little rest and family visit time!!!

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