Day 32 Goreville to Carbondale 6/3

Miles: 38.7
Calories: 3, 287
Top speed;  35.6
Average speed: 8.7

We left the State Park campground about 7:15am and started our ride to Carbondale. Carbondale meant the bike shop for a tune up and visiting with and spending the night at a local retirement community.

First save of the day, a turtle I’ll call “Henry”. I haven’t yet  found a new feather in Illinois to carry on my bike so I thought about using my bungees to strap Henry” on the back of my bike. He could sit tall on my sleeping bag and be my new totem. Ultimately, I decided against it. I think the Illinois Fish and Game would frown on that.


These rollers all look the same, but from my angle, they are TALL!  That little dot on the road is Lisa.


We made it into Carbondale about 1:30pm. It was hot so we decided to stop at a McDonalds for lunch and soft serve ice cream. After lunch was found the retirement community, Prairie Living at Chautauqua. We were welcomed in and enjoyed meeting the residents.

After showering, so we were presentable, we gave a talk to residents about our trip and emphasized continued exercise. We joined residents for dinner. Here is a picture of Jake. He was a teacher, superintendent and served in WW II.

We turned in early, exhausted.


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